Addressing Certain Bankruptcy Myths

Bankruptcy Myths: Belief that bankruptcy filing will ruin credit forever – “I’ll never get credit again”. Bankruptcy filing is a serious decision and filing a petition for relief under the bankruptcy code is not a good mark to have on your credit report. Before making...

Attorney Todd Esser Featured on

Recently, Attorney Todd Esser was featured in an article on that looks at some of the myths surrounding consumer bankruptcy. Here is an excerpt from the article: Ever heard that you can pull out your credit card and buy a big-screen TV, a diamond...
Todd C. Esser & Associates is now ESSERLAW LLC

Todd C. Esser & Associates is now ESSERLAW LLC

We are changing our business name to better represent the focus of our firm. As of October 1, 2015, we officially become ESSERLAW LLC. You will of course be able to accept the same level of dedication and service from our company as you have always been able to expect...